More About Phil
About Me Personally
The easiest way to get to know more about me personally is to read through my mission, vision, and values. Plus there are a few pics of the fam.
To live my life as a living Bible that the world can see, so that the Jesus people find, might be the Jesus in me.
By living my life first as a child of God, second as a good husband, and third as a good father I can influence every person I connect with. Ultimately, by ensuring that all my children are on fire for the Lord, they will bring others to Christ. My academic, business, speaking, and clinical interactions can point people to Jesus.
Professionally, I accomplish this by equipping future leaders and substantially impacting the health of people of all ages. I help rehabilitation and performance professionals maximize their client’s physical potential by teaching them how to live a fully engaged life, systematic thinking, testing and interventions so that they and their clients can remain healthy, fit, and well.
Life Verse
John 10:10 The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy; I have come that they may have life, and have it abundantly.
Personal Values
Living Life to the Full
Outdoor Activity
Professional Values
Collaborative Creation
Strategic (Big Picture) Thinking
Efficiency/Process Improvement
Hard Work/Diligence